Hey, Big Head

Akhabue Diadem
2 min readJun 2, 2023
Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

Hey, big head

I miss you.

That’s funny because I don’t even know you or know what I want you to look like.

Since you have decided to take so much time coming to me, I have built several caricatures of you in my head. Sometimes you are tall and slender, other times you are dark-skinned with a chubby body. Sometimes you are bespectacled like me, other times you are muscular. But every time, you are handsome and the best thing that happened to me.

Funny again, because I don’t know you.

I wonder what it will feel like running into your arms after a long day of “Can you see my screen” and “Please find attached.” I know your hugs will be warm and not cringe like the touch of random men on the street. I imagine what it will be like hearing you rant or talk about the things you are passionate about. I’ll definitely love the sound of your voice.

Funny again, because I don’t know you.

I imagine you gazing at me when I flip my head back to laugh those heart laughs I have whenever I hear a really good joke. I know I will enjoy your gaze; whether it is hot or warm.

Again, funny because I don’t know you.

Or maybe I do.



Akhabue Diadem

Content Writer|| I paint pictures with the words I write and travel to places with the ones I read