Love Me?

Akhabue Diadem
Mar 16, 2021
Love on a single rose
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Smile at my jokes, I’ll make them funny for you
Dance with me, I’ll find my rhythm for you
Listen to my stories, I’ll build characters for you
Vibe to my music, I’ll make melodies just for you

But, what would you do for me?

Would you see beyond the dry humour to the blandness of my soul?
Would you see the short shivers in-between the dances from memories of a time before you?
Would you hear the things I do not say in the stories I tell?
Would you penetrate the silence that follows after the music stops?

Would you love me?



Akhabue Diadem

Content Writer|| I paint pictures with the words I write and travel to places with the ones I read